
Nouvelle Société d'Histoire juridique comparée (The European Society for Comparative Legal History)


European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH) is pleased to announce the creation of the Society, the launch of our blog, and our inaugural conference.

The ESCLH aims to promote comparative legal history and seeks affiliation with individuals and organisations with complementary aims. Our blog is intended to provide a site for discussion, the sharing of information, and a Register of Legal Historians (with research interests in any area of legal history).

The ESCLH inaugural conference, 'Law and Historical Development from a Comparative Perspective', will be held at the University of Valencia (Spain) on 5-6 July 2010. Presentations should be in English and are welcome on any topic in comparative legal history.

Those interested in making a presentation should email Dr Seán Patrick Donlan (sean.donlan@ul.ie) by Monday, 15 March 2010 with a short (250 word) proposal. Note that the conference fee is €100; transportation and accommodation are not included.

For additional information, please contact a member of the ESCLH Executive Committee:
Dr Seán Patrick Donlan (Limerick): sean.donlan@ul.ie
Professor Jan Hallebeek (VU University Amsterdam): j.j.hallebeek@rechten.vu.nl
Professor Dirk Heirbaut (Ghent): dirk.heirbaut@UGent.be
Professor Aniceto Masferrer (Valencia): Aniceto.Masferrer@uv.es
Professor Remco van Rhee (Maastricht): remco.vanrhee@maastrichtuniversity.nl

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